Articles - Page 6

What do Seniors Want in a Retirement Community?

Jul 18, 2017
Rose Villa was featured in the publication Facility Executive, highlighting connection to community as a major decision factor for seniors looking for a Life Plan Community. From the text: Active seni... Read More »

Minimalism in Retirement

May 29, 2017
Rose Villa Resident, Zoe Taylor, shares her experience of living minimally and living comfortably in a vibrant community. Read the full article here. Read More »

Forward-Thinking Senior Living Community Blazes Net-Zero Neighborhood Trail

May 19, 2017
Jeanette Schuster with Tonkon Torp Attorneys offers insight into Rose Villa's Phase 2 construction project. Read the article here. Read More »

Rose Villa Offers Fresh Model for Independent Living

Apr 27, 2017
Environments for Aging Magazine profiles Rose Villa's innovative design and classic village concept. Read all about the long-standing community and recent renovation project here. Read More »

Five-Star Community

Apr 24, 2017
The April 23, 2017 edition of The Oregonian featured an article in print and also online, which serves to shed light on the information found on the Oregon Department of Human Services website regardi... Read More »

Environments for Aging

Apr 14, 2017
Environments for Aging recognizes Rose Villa's Redevelopment with the Design Showcase Award of Merit for a built project. Read about the award here.  Read More »

Smooth Transitions

Apr 7, 2017
U.S. News and World Report writer Maryalene LaPonsie shares perspectives on making the adjustment of moving to a Life Plan Community. Rose Villa's CEO, Vassar Byrd shares her insight. Read the full ar... Read More »

Working in the Wellness Zone

Mar 17, 2017
Rose Villa and construction partner R&H Construction became Blue Zones certified in 2017. At Rose Villa, employee wellness is is supported by Wellness Director, Rene' Swar and the Well-Being commi... Read More »

Daily Journal of Commerce Selects Top Projects Finalists

Mar 8, 2017
Rose Villa's reconstruction project was selected as a nominee and finalist by the Daily Journal of Commerce for its Top Projects 2017 award. Read about the Top Projects Awards here. Read More »

Rose Villa program pairs people with dementia, volunteers

Dec 19, 2016
The Opening Minds through Art program at Rose Villa is more than an arts and crafts program at a senior community. This intergenerational art group for people with dementia is giving Rose Villa's 10 r... Read More »

Essential Credentials- SAGECare's cultural competence training delivers

Nov 28, 2016
SAGE asked two providers why SAGECare matters. Hear from Rose Villa CEO Vassar Byrd, here. Scroll to page 7 for article. Read More »

Artists with dementia use paint where memories fail (Column)

Nov 24, 2016
Opening Minds through Art is an intergenerational art program for people with dementia. Rose Villa Senior Living is the first and currently only Portland-area retirement community to hold these classe... Read More »